We are proud to introduce Sentient’s inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan
Sentient is an impact funds manager consisting of curious and passionate people that are committed to building a better and more equitable world. As a relatively new business, we have the opportunity to take a meaningful approach to how we actively listen, learn, and build relationships with First Nations peoples to ensure that respect, collaboration, and understanding are embedded across our business.
As part of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, First Nations peoples have asked that we recognise and share the truth of what they have endured since colonisation and that we walk with them in creating a fairer and more inclusive future.
We believe this Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is an initial step in helping formalise this commitment in our investments and organisational decisions. Our approach is guided by the belief that self-determination and self-governance are fundamental in ensuring that First Nations people can effectively lead on issues that affect their lives and communities.
Sentient aims to help ensure that financial markets integrate social and environmental value, and in doing so, shift economic incentives away from extraction and towards regeneration. We recognise that the way in which our society over-extracts from nature to accelerate growth is directly linked to the global challenges that threaten our survival such as biodiversity loss and climate change.
First Nations peoples have cared for and lived in harmony with the Australian land for tens of thousands of years. An important step in building a more viable future is the enhanced acceptance and engagement of First Nations wisdom and way of being that recognises the interconnection of humans with the natural world and our responsibility to care for and protect it. Through our land-based Funds, we are grateful to have the opportunity to work with First Nations communities to drive mutual benefit, trust and learning from traditional knowledge systems to enhance our efforts to heal and regenerate the land.
Our team at Sentient is aligned with the goals and objectives of this Reflect RAP. We share a collective commitment to driving positive change, fostering meaningful relationships with First Nations communities, and integrating reconciliation into every aspect of our organisation. Each team member brings their unique skills and perspectives to the table, united by the shared purpose of advancing reconciliation and promoting social equity in Australia.
© “Djet Noongar Boodjar” by Roni Kerley, 2023
During the Noongar Season of Djilba (August/Sept) and Kambarang (October/November), the Boodja (country) is blanketed by masses of wild flowers of all kinds. This painting depicts the orchids. The tracks amongst them show how you must walk carefully across the country during this time as the land holds rare orchids and walking without being careful could cause damage to them.